I woke up this morning to a very pleasant surprise on my blog: my friend Patty of Patty’s Food had let me know she had a blog award for me to pick up on her page. My first award! I’m not just one hand clapping in the blogosphere. What fun!

Back in February, I started this little online portfolio of my kitchen adventures. After all, it could be a kick to see who’d follow along. At first, I thought it might be more of an exercise in talking to myself, but then, one by one, my friends showed up. And it felt so good to see you here!

Enough about me! I’d like to share the Happy 101 award with 10 food bloggers who inspire me in the kitchen. The recipe on the award summarizes perfectly how I feel about cooking and baking and blogging–especially with folks like you!

Here are the rules for receiving the award:

  • Copy and paste the award on your blog.
  • List who gave the award to you and use a link to her/his blog.
  • List 10 things that make you happy.
  • Pass the awards on to 10 other bloggers* and let them know about their awards…except for Silvia and Patty–and anyone else previously nominated–you get a pass on this step!

10 random things that make this kat happy:
1. My fabulous feline companion, April Katt, who makes me smile in and out of our kitchen!
2. My wonderful mom, for more reasons than I could possibly list…ever!
3. Good times with good friends, near and far.
4. Developing new recipes and sharing old favorites.
5. Road trips in search of deliciousness.
6. Going for walks–especially at the shore.
7. Seeing redwing blackbirds and “my heron” who splits his time among local ponds in my neighborhood.
8. Driving  on a sunny day with the sunroof open and my favorite songs blasting on the stereo.
9. Skating at Hammonasset State Park in Madison.
10. Cooking and baking for friends and family…of course!

And now, drumroll please…10 bloggers who inspire me!

1. Patty at Patty’s Food – have you seen her Sage and Goat Cheese Cornbread?

2. Kristin the Norfolk Cooking Examiner – her almond squares rock my world–and she originally hails from the Land of Steady Habits as well!

3. Christina at Culinspiration – try her key lime tart or rhubarb custard cake! Try not wanting to bake after you visit her site, loaded with tempting photos!

4. The Baking Barrister – so fun to read, so creative–her rhubarb berry cups, artfully decorated giraffe cookies, Benedict’s red coat mini muffins…

5. Rick at Bittersweet – because he makes me laugh out loud and comes up with some highly inventive goodies: Nyquil Night Tremor Molten Lava Cake?!

6. Tania at Dulcis in Furno – how can you resist these adorable pig brioches?

7. Cristina at Teenie Cakes – her photos give me camera envy–and her chai spice sugar cookies inspired me to make my own chai spice!

8. Silvia at Citron & Vanille – more camera envy, more deliciousness than I can manage, and my recipe box is filled with your gorgeous creations!

9. Claudia at What’s Cookin’ Italian Style Cuisine – not only for your recipes and lovely outside photos, but for encouraging me when I was brand-new!

10. For those who never even knew what a blog was, but would’ve had killer content: Nanny, Aunt Pegi, Uncle Al–you taught me so much. And I miss you!

So, to all my friends and family (Ma and Al), thanks so much for your encouragement–as well as everything I’ve learned from you. I hope to enjoy our culinary journey together for a long time to come!

Love ya,
Katty  >>^..^<< and April Katt, too!

P.S. Oooooooh, this just in–my buddy The Baking Barrister has given me the Sunshine Award. It’s a banner week in Katty’s Kitchen! Thank you so very kindly, BB!