Trying to stay cool? I’ve got just the pink drink for you — lavender pink lemonade! Next time, I’m doubling the recipe. It’s so damn good!


Simple syrup:
First. make a simple syrup:
1 cup granulated sugar
1 cup water
Stir, bring to a boil, then remove from heat and add:
1.5 tablespoons dried lavender
peels from 2 lemons (washed, no kidding, HA HA)
3 raspberries, smooshed
2 strawberries cut into small pieces (I used a potato masher to smoosh them further in the pan)
Let this steep in a covered pan for 45 minutes or so. Meantime, get a pitcher and …

Juice 4 large lemons. This yielded 1.25 cups of lemon juice for me.
Pour juice over a sieve into a pitcher.
Once simple syrup is ready, pour it over a sieve into the pitcher.
Add three cups of cold water.
Combine and enjoy over ice!

Stay cool, amici! The summer of 2022 is one for the books for sure — one I look forward to closing!